Heavy Goods Vehicles in Wield

HGVs & Wield

This short report on HGVs was produced by  HCC traffic services dept in response to questions posed by Chairman, WPC.


For a number of immutable reasons,  (eg: right of access for delivery; alternative  routes), there is currently no HGV Policy (eg: restricted access etc) relating to Wield, nor is any such policy likely to be  introduced. The lack of any such policy is not unusual.

Local industries are well aware of the unsuitability of  the minor lanes  through the centre of Lower & Upper Wield for HGVs  and are generally cooperative. The  trouble arises from non local firms and drivers and even if blue signs reading “ unsuitable for HGVs” were erected around the village , who and how would this be policed? Moreover, far from enforcing compliance, disobeying such signs is not an offence.

The full Report follows below.

HCC HGV in Wield Comments

We have been forwarded details that you have concerns regarding the volume of HGV’s / traffic travelling through Wield and I have been forwarded the attached document. Unfortunately, traffic volumes are ever increasing due to the number of vehicles travelling on today’s roads.

I did discuss this with a member of the parish last week to find out if there was anything written anywhere, to stop HGV’s travelling through small villages as large delivery vehicles were travelling through Upper Wield to get to building works in Lower Wield. ( Note: this was inaccurate information; routes to be followed associated with a building project in Lower Wield are carefully selected and do not involve HGV movement through Upper or Lower Wield. There will inevitably be the odd “lost” driver.

As discussed, I have investigated as to whether there is a moving traffic order, weight / height vehicle restrictions for Upper Wield, which there is not.

This would not have necessarily helped in this situation, even when there is a restriction in place, any vehicle is entitled to access to reach a property. I would advise contacting the planning department at East Hampshire District Council to enquire if, when the planning application was agreed, were any terms put in place regarding the route goods deliveries should use to get to the site.( Note: in response to comments by Wield PC on HGV route restrictions the  contractors have agreed to  enforce strict traffic control..)


As I’m sure you will appreciate, we have a finite amount of resource / funding which must be used where we are confident it will make a difference. In accordance with current Traffic Management policy, priority for such measures is primarily being given to those sites where there are proven injury accident problems in terms of numbers of accidents, accident severity, common contributory factors, and identifiable patterns. We have access to the Police database of all injury accidents reported in Hampshire and I can confirm that in the current five-year study period, 01st March 2019 – 29th Feb 2024, at this location, there has been 1 reported injury accidents recorded. This is a difficult situation to improve upon and any additional traffic management measures, would not necessarily improve safety.

Although we are unable to consider the types of measures that Wield parish would ideally like, I hope this helps explain our processes and how we prioritise our Traffic & Safety resources.  Please be assured that we continue to regularly monitor the Police injury accident database and will intervene where there are any emerging or worsening trends.

I will ask my colleagues in the local highways office to respond on the points you make about the highway condition and request for passing places once they have had the opportunity to inspect the location. All roads are inspected regularly, and this will be at least once a year, with the aim of identifying safety defects. The County Council’s inspection process follows the principles of the national code of practice ‘Well Maintained Highways’. This ensures that all issues that meet set criteria, identifying them as potential safety defects, are established and remedial works identified.


Senior Traffic & Safety Engineer